What Does CBD Stand for?

CBD stands for cannabidiol, which is an active compound (called a cannabinoid) found in hemp. There are hundreds of different cannabinoids, but in recent times, CBD has become one of the most talked about – and one of the most popular.
In fact, in many areas of the market CBD has overtaken its famous cousin THC. Most people by now know a little about CBD, but if you’re new here, here are the very basics.
CBD Stands for Cannabidiol – Here Are The Basics
CBD comes from hemp, which by taxonomic classification is a plant belonging to the Cannabis sativa L family. Some confusion stems from the fact that there are multiple types of Cannabis sativa. For many, marijuana (and THC) is probably what springs to mind when they hear the word cannabis.
However, hemp also belongs to this amazing plant family. Hemp contains less than 0.3% THC by definition, but many strains are loaded with CBD. Manufacturers extract pure CBD for use in supplements, ensuring (for compliance purposes) that THC content stays negligible.
It’s true that you can find decent amounts of CBD in some marijuana strains. However, the majority of the CBD supplements market comprise products that are made from hemp.
Why Do People Use CBD?
There are lots of reasons people use CBD. Most notably, users praise the cannabinoid for things like stress relief, pain relief, and supporting a good night’s rest.
That said, CBD should never be touted as a panacea or miracle cure. In fact, CBD products derived from hemp are not designed to treat or cure any disease or medical ailment.
As we continue to learn more about CBD and its therpaeutic effects, it’s reassuring to know that its a natural wellness product with minimal risk. The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared CBD “generally safe, non-toxic, and non-addictive in humans.”
How CBD Works
CBD works by interacting with the body’s endocannabinoid system, or ECS. This is a network of receptors that works to regulate a multitude of functions, including things like pain response, immune response, and even sleep patterns.
The ECS comprises of compounds called endocannabinoids. These are naturally produced messenger molecules similar to the cannabinoids found in hemp. The similarity between endocannabinoids and phytocannabinoids (from hemp) allows compounds like CBD to have a massive range of influence on the human body.
In terms of how CBD works, it appears that it helps stimulate the production of endocannabinoids – rather than directly binding to ECS receptors. It also may work to block enzymatic endocannabinoid breakdown. The exact mechanism is still under investigation, but we do know that CBD and THC are different in the way they interact with receptors.
Why is that important?
Endocannabinoids exist to regulate the body and maintain homeostasis. Once their job is done, enzymes break them down. By preventing this, CBD ensures that the endocannabinoids can regulate the body for longer periods of time. In short, it has a knock-on effect on numerous physiological functions.
So far, it appears that the effects of CBD are mostly positive. The vast reach of the endocannabinoid system ensures that ingesting CBD can have wide-reaching effects on the body. This is why experts liken CBD as an overall wellness product that users can take daily.
Summary & Final Thoughts
For those interested in trying CBD, we have numerous products available. CBD oil used to be the only option, but there are now hundreds of choices. Whether you opt for an oral tincture, CBD capsules, CBD gummies, or a CBD topical cream, there’s truly something for everyone.
Also, remember that CBD is not the only cannabinoid in hemp. It’s common for hemp-derived products to contain multiple cannabinoids like CBN (cannabinol) and CBG (cannabigerol). These products are usually under the label ‘full-spectrum’ or ‘broad-spectrum.’ Alternatively, a CBD isolate is a product containing almost pure cannabidiol.
New users might have many more questions about CBD and its uses. Check out the wealth of information right here on the Premium Jane blog to learn everything you need to know. If you’re ready to start shopping, browse our complete range of high-quality USA-made products and start your CBD journey today.