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How to Mask the Taste of CBD Oil

Jeff Yauck | January 7, 2021
how to mask the taste of cbd oil

A lot of people look forward to their regular daily dose (or doses) of CBD. It provides a routine source of comfort for many and helps thousands of folks relax after (or before) a long, stressful day.

Many people, however, are not too fond of that distinctive CBD oil taste. CBD comes from hemp—a plant—and guess what? Plants grow in dirt. ‘Natural’ as it may be, dirt does not fall within the bearable spectrum of many people’s palate.

But not to fret. In this article, we discuss several simple ways you can mask the taste of CBD oil without affecting quality.

First, though, let’s try and describe what hemp extract actually tastes like.

What Does CBD Oil Taste Like?

To mask CBD oil flavors properly, it helps to first identify the specific tastes that don’t agree with your palate.

Most newcomers don’t realize that hemp CBD extract tastes very similar to other varieties of cannabis. If you were to take an oil extract of high-THC marijuana, for instance, and compare it with the flavor of a CBD oil extract from hemp, the tastes would be very similar.

In other words, the “earthy” taste of hemp extract is largely irrespective of THC or CBD content.

Rather, what the flavor profile of hemp oil mostly comes down to is terpene content. Terpenes are naturally occurring compounds that exist in all varieties of cannabis. Unlike THC and CBD (which are cannabinoids), terpenes provide a very distinctive taste and aroma profile. In fact, terpenes are what give cannabis—and hemp—its immediately identifiable flavor.

If you’re using a full-spectrum hemp extract, there is no getting around that earthy, musky, bitter taste. That is, unless you are opting for a flavored CBD oil. Full-spectrum CBD can come in a variety of flavors, and this will most certainly help mask the naturally earthy profile.

Another thing to note is that CBD capsules are entirely void of any flavor whatsoever. This is because the CBD is inside a softgel sheath; when you swallow it, nothing actually touches the taste buds on your tongue.

For this reason, capsules are a good option for those that may find the taste and texture of oil unbearable.

This actually brings up another point altogether. Many people try to avoid touching their tongue to their CBD oil for fear of having to deal with the oil’s taste. But, as discussed below, this entirely defeats the purpose of consuming sublingual (below the tongue) CBD oils.

Why Do You Put CBD Oil Under Your Tongue?

Most products on the market come with instructions that say something like: ‘place CBD oil under tongue, wait 30 seconds, swallow.’ But is this really necessary?

In a word, yes. There is a high prevalence of blood vessels under the tongue—far more than in other areas of your mouth. When you let the CBD oil sit there for 30 or 60 seconds (or longer), the cannabidiol absorbs directly into the bloodstream. Scientifically, this is known as sublingual administration.

While sublingual CBD consumption is efficient at maximizing the amount of CBD that makes it into your cells, it doesn’t really do anything to help cover up taste. In fact, even the sides and bottom of your tongue are loaded with taste buds. With sublingual consumption, you will inevitably get the full flavor profile of whichever CBD oil you’re using.

So what can you do to try and hide this overwhelming taste?

How to Mask the Taste of CBD Oil

Aside from simply buying a flavored CBD oil, there are several things you can do to help deal with the earthy taste of hemp. Here are a few of our favorite hacks for covering up that CBD oil taste:

#1: Eat something sweet when you take your oil (maybe CBD gummies?)

One very simple trick to avoid CBD oil flavor is to eat something sweet alongside it. For example, you could take a spoonful of honey at the same time you administer the drops below your tongue. You could even take a swig of juice or soda and hold it in your mouth while the CBD is absorbing sublingually.

Of course, the problem with this is you’re diluting the CBD oil, meaning your body will probably receive less of the active compound. The same amount of CBD oil will eventually enter your system, but because some of it will enter the digestive system, it won’t absorb into the blood at the same time.

One way to counter this (and help cover up the taste at the same time) is to try a CBD gummy. There are dozens of different types of CBD gummies, and some of them are truly amazing in flavor. Most are sweet and delicious, and they’ll deliver a supplemental boost of CBD along with your sublingual consumption.

#2: Use CBD capsules instead of oil

CBD capsules (not to be confused with CBD isolate) are a sure-fire way to mask the taste of full-spectrum hemp extract. Capsules are convenient and tasteless, and they allow you to swallow your CBD just like a regular pill. They also allow you to avoid any of the oil’s unpleasant flavors.

Unfortunately, for some people, capsules simply aren’t an option. Whether they physically cannot swallow tablets for whatever reason or just have a hard time with capsules in general, this option isn’t for everyone.

#3: Brush Your Teeth Just Before

To understand this one correctly, try and think back to a time when you drank orange juice or ate any citrus fruit just after brushing your teeth. Most likely, it was the most unpleasant flavor experience of your life.

This is because toothpaste nullifies your tongue’s ability to taste certain flavors. So, when you eat something, it tastes totally different despite the food itself not having changed.

This can also work with CBD oil. Simply brush your teeth just prior, then apply the CBD oil directly under your tongue. Though it will still taste bitter, you won’t notice its flavor as much as if you had taken it as usual.

You can also combine this with the ever-popular trick of holding your nose. Many people are familiar with holding their noses to cope with an awful taste on their tongue. And the truth is, it actually works.

By blocking your sense of smell, you lose almost half of your ability to taste. This can make it a lot easier to swallow something with an “unpleasant” taste — like raw CBD oils.

Final Thoughts on How to Mask the Taste of CBD Oil

It is a bit unfortunate to have to mask the flavor of a product as useful as CBD oil. However, this is a reality for many with sensitive palates.

That said, there is still one technique for dealing with the taste of CBD that we haven’t yet discussed: simply getting used to the flavor.

Remember when you were a kid and you couldn’t stand the taste of black coffee or unsweetened tea? In a similar sense, CBD is no doubt an acquired taste. If you consume it often enough, your taste buds might just evolve to appreciate the flavor profile rather than try and avoid it.


12 thoughts on “How to Mask the Taste of CBD Oil

  1. I see where people are asking if they can flavor the oil. I think the answer goes asking with the diluting answer: you can, but you’ll lose some potency, and who eats to waste their money only to not get the full value? Makes better sense to do a chaser.

  2. I throw up at the mere smell of CBD oil. I literally gagged for 20 minutes after putting two drops under my tongue. I am really hoping one of these suggestions work for me! Thank you!

  3. Thank you so much! I used two suggestions, and they worked!!!! I brushed my teeth first. Then put the oil under my tongue, and while I held the oil in place for a minute, I breathed through my nose and then swallowed. It didn’t make me gag!

  4. .5 ml is a lot of oil under the tongue fer sure! I had a few Starbust candies. I popped one in my mouth after swallowing and it was the perfect solution. Now I know why. Thanks.

  5. thanks to share good post regarding How to Mask the Taste of CBD Oil. Thanks so much again.

  6. I bought 300 mg. How many drops do I do a day. Any how many in 24 hrs

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