For a long time, CBD oil was your only option when it came to consuming cannabidiol. You can now buy gummies, e-liquids, isolates, topicals, and much more…
For a long time, CBD oil was your only option when it came to consuming cannabidiol. You can now buy gummies, e-liquids, isolates, topicals, and much more!
Yet, for many users, nothing beats the experience provided by high-quality CBD oil, which is precisely what you get when you rely on Premium Jane. We have oils in several CBD concentrations and delicious flavors you simply must try.
All of our CBD oil comes from the best industrial hemp you’re likely to find in the United States or anywhere. We also use CO2 extraction to guarantee purity, and we invite you to check out our third-party lab reports to see what’s inside the Premium Jane range of CBD oil.
One of CBD oil’s many plus points is its versatility. You can consume it in various ways, and some users add it to food or beverages. However, the most popular consumption method, which we recommend, involves placing drops of oil beneath your tongue, holding for at least 30 seconds (longer is better; some users keep the oil there for up to about 90 seconds), and swallowing. Our CBD oils come with a 1.5ml dropper, allowing you to decide how much of the cannabinoid you want to consume.
What Can CBD Oil Help With?
CBD oil could support an impressive assortment of wellness concerns. For instance, you may use it to manage daily stresses, relax during the day, or help you unwind before bedtime. By interacting with your body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS), CBD can help promote a sense of calm and contribute to overall well-being.
How Long Do the Effects of CBD Oil Last?
The duration of CBD oil’s effects will vary depending on the individual, dosage, consumption method, and other factors. Also, you need to incorporate CBD into your daily regimen to get the best results. In general, you may feel the effects for between 4 and 8 hours after usage, but your experience could vary.
How Does CBD Oil Make You Feel?
CBD is linked with soothing and calming effects in many users. Many people report feeling balanced, relaxed and focused after using the cannabinoid. However, quite intriguingly, plenty of our customers claim to feel more energized after using CBD oil. Therefore, you should monitor its effects to determine the best time of day to use it.
How Much CBD Oil Should I Use?
How long is a piece of string? There is no such thing as an ‘ideal’ dose because it differs depending on your physiology. Factors such as bodyweight, metabolism, and general health all play a role in deciding how much CBD oil to use. That being said, beginners are usually best served using 5-10mg at first and working their way up if they feel the need.
How Long Does It Take for CBD Oil to Work?
Again, the onset time varies depending on a host of factors. However, for the vast majority of people, they’ll likely feel something in the 15 to 45 minutes after using CBD oil. When consumed sublingually, CBD oil has a faster onset time than when you use an edible such as a gummy.
Where Can I Buy CBD Oil?
Save yourself the time and stress of searching a flooded market by staying on our website! Our CBD oil is widely recognized as being among the nation’s best, so shop here for exceptional products and enjoy peace of mind.
Is CBD Oil Legal?
The laws surrounding CBD vary depending on where you live. The Farm Bill legalized industrial hemp but didn’t explicitly do the same for CBD. Nonetheless, it is widely available in every state, though there are differences regarding the level of THC allowed in CBD oil in certain areas.
What Are the Downsides of CBD Oil?
Those who have enjoyed using it for years would say there are none! However, not everyone feels the same way. Some users think that CBD gummies are a more convenient option since the dose is pre-measured, and there’s no need to measure out what’s needed. Yet, CBD oil is more versatile as you can add it to your favorite foods and beverages and consume it sublingually.
Can I Mix Alcohol and CBD Oil?
This is not a good idea. Mixing CBD and alcohol could increase tiredness and sedation. Other possible adverse effects include changes in appetite and mood.
What Is Your Largest CBD Oil Product?
We sell a 3000mg CBD oil bottle in Lemon Lime and Peach Nectar flavors. Each ml of liquid contains an impressive 50mg of CBD.
The Premium Jane CBD Oil line offers a personalized way to get your daily amount of CBD. Also referred to as tinctures, oils allow you to draw up the specific amount that you need for an individualized CBD experience every time. When held underneath the tongue, tinctures can be absorbed into the bloodstream and have a quicker onset of action than other ingestibles such as tablets or gummies. Instead of waiting for up to one hour, the effects of tinctures can be felt as quickly as 15 minutes and last for up to six to eight hours. Each dropper bottle comes equipped with a dosing applicator in the lid, allowing you to precisely draw up your desired amount for easy administration. The Premium Jane line of oils range in strength from 300mg to 50...
00mg total CBD per bottle, providing a wide range of potencies no matter where you find your individual tolerance.
Each product is sourced from USA grown, organic hemp and made with natural ingredients. Premium Jane provides both full spectrum and broad spectrum CBD oils, meaning that minor cannabinoids and terpenes are included in each extraction. The difference is that full spectrum products contain up to 0.3% of THC, while broad spectrum products do not contain any THC at all. The rest of the tincture ingredients are natural and vegan, including the flavorings which are derived from terpenes! Flavor options include citrus, mint, peach nectar, lemon lime, and natural. Every Premium Jane product is accompanied by a detailed ingredient list as well as laboratory testing, which lists the cannabinoid and terpene potencies as well as safety information.
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